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Emergency Loan Funds

Providing Financial Relief in Times of Need

When called upon by the Administration, we have assisted small businesses with loan funds in the wake of emergencies.

Active Loan Funds

There are currently no active emergency loan funds.

Previous Loan Funds

2019 Natick Small Business Emergency Loan Fund


A loan fund of $400,000 was created to provide financial relief to businesses in Natick that were affected by the eight-alarm fire on July 22, 2019.

Baker-Polito Administration Press Release - August 2, 2019


2019 Cape Cod Small Business Emergency Loan Fund

A loan fund of $1,000,000 was created to provide financial support to Cape Cod businesses that were affected by the tornados and severe weather of July 23, 2019. The storm left substantial damage and over 30,000 businesses and private residences without power during the height of the summer season.

Baker-Polito Administration Press Release - July 30, 2019


2018 Merrimack Valley Small Business Emergency Loan Fund

Recognizing the impact of events that occurred on September 13, 2018, financial support was made available to small businesses in the Merrimack Valley, especially Lawrence, Andover and North Andover, to help them get back up and running.

Baker-Polito Administration Press Release - September 28, 2018

Loan Fund Recapitalization Press Release - October 24, 2018


2016 Drought Emergency Loan Fund

The summer of 2016 brought unprecedented drought conditions to Massachusetts. The financial support of this loan fund assisted farm-related businesses regain financial stability and recover from lost revenue due to the drought.

Baker-Polito Administration Press Release - September 7, 2016

Loan Fund Extension Press Release - January 11, 2017


2015 Snow Storm Emergency Loan Fund

The Snow Storm Loan Fund was created to help small businesses recover from one of the toughest winters Massachusetts had seen in decades.

Baker-Polito Administration Press Release - February 27, 2015